Georgios Veropoulos

About Me

Greetings, I am a dedicated QA Engineer with a background in Games Programming and a fervent commitment to ensuring the highest quality standards. My journey has evolved from coding enthusiast to a meticulous QA practitioner. By merging coding insights with rigorous QA practices, I guarantee seamless software experiences. I look forward to contributing my expertise in quality assurance to elevate projects to unparalleled levels of excellence.

  • Sky Cubes

    My first mobile game published on the Play Store

  • FPS bird hunting

    A game I made to hunt birds (no birds were hurt in the making of this game)

  • Light Probes Tool

    A tool for Unity that automatically places light probes based on the NavMesh of the scene, made as my last project at SAE

  • Mark One

    Helped on the project as a Level Designer

  • Solera

    Currently working as a QA Automation Engineer in Solera.